Saturday, 6 October 2018

Micheal Knight


Now, viewer out there, you must have heard of this old 80s TV series called "Knight Rider?  Hey!  As, it starred the well-known Actor back then though, "David Hasseloff!  Who should I say wasn't bad-looking, but, if you must know, was not cup of tea!!!  Meaning, guys!  That, "Mr Hasseloff,"  but who my dad had always made me laugh, course, he had took the PISS by always pronouncing his name, isn't Hasseloff .Sandy!   "But, Hasselnoff or Hasselloff!

Now, first of all guys, this TV series was about a guy, a guy who was a Police Officer at first, but who had got himself shot in the face while going after the baddies.

 * But, guy!  Seeing that very actor that played him now, well what the fuck has happened to him?  As, one of my friends had once pointed out to me...
By saying, "Sandy, that actor that played Michael Knight way back then, was quite something!  In other words viewer, what my friend had tried to apply was that, that Actor, "David Hasseloff" was quite handsome when he had played that part in tis series.

But again, seeing him in that Ad for Farm Foods, well that was what I mean by saying what the bloody fuck as happened to him???  Course, okay!  Everyone gets older, but, really, its like he had loads of plastic surgery like all the rest of them, out there!  

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