Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The Boot


* This painting of "The Boot" wa s the very first Painting that I think I can remember of doing. * And I did it with "Poster Paints" then using "Acrylics!  Which, later on in my life had used to paint all my Paints. Also, if I can also REMEMBER, I did this PAINTING when I was still in "The Abbey High School" just before I left and went onto the "Youth Training Scheme." Which if you like to know had joined in the Graphics and Design team where not only we all had a chance to design our own thing for their Canteen Wall, which was something like 19 foot-long, but who this young girl had discovered when she had got back from being poorly that she was the ONE that had WON her Design for their Canteen Wall!!

* And not only that, myself with a few others from the Graphic Design team but with half of my Design that I had done as well as organised don't forget was photo in 4 different Papers which one was the Redditch Advertiser, but was called then, the "Redditch Inductor"  I think! As you must remember all this was going back a bit! Okay guys! As for the others well they were "The Daily Mail" "The Standard" as well as the Bromsgrove paper!

* Anyway, when I discovered all this, that was of ME being in the Paper, well I didn't want to tell any of my Family, especially most of ALL my Dad, because I just wanted to really SURPRISE him and see that look on his face when he would take that look at the Redditch Indicator and discover his "Bonny-lass" as he always told me I was, in FRONT of this PAPER!!!

* The other 3 PAPERS that had the News of ME winner to design my own Mural was only on the second page!   But the one that my Dad had saw me in, course we normally get that paper every week well the title on the top of the PHOTO with ME and one that had help me not forgetting part of my Design said in bold yet capital LETTERS was, and I quote,"ARTIST GOES UP THE WALL!

* Only, guys, do you also get the funny side of that title to?  Well, do YOU!  "The ARTIST GOES UP THE WALL! Ha! Ha! "Blooming Ha! HA!  That's all I could say at the time!  But again, now if I thought about the title that they printed above my photograph in Bold letters once again, it is actually FUNNY!  I mean, the Artist, meaning MYSELF of course, as gone UP the blooming WALL!

* Now, do you guys out there, see what I was getting at by saying that, well do yeah!  Well, I sure hope YOU do!

* Anyway, getting back to this Painting of "The Boot" as made me think of that classical old Movie called, "Oliver Twist" with "Mark Lester" who back in the 70's was Oliver Twist that as you guys should know had always said "PLEASE, SIR I WANT SOME MORE!