Wednesday, 5 January 2000

Playing Games - Chapter 5


 Chapter 5




                            THE TIME THAT MATT WAS STANDING THERE 

                                                           BY SUPERDUGS

                        ONLY, HOW DID HE KNOW, I WAS JUST AROUND?

 Now, on this one occasion, while I had this day off, well I had saw Matt while coming out from the ladies toilets at the Kingfisher Centre!  Leaning against the wall, that was opposite, looking slightly down at the floor, then who slowly glanced back up!  Where I wondered how on earth did Matt knew I was around here, at this precise moment?  Just tell me that! How?  As, well as, why else, was he just hanging around here, doing absolutely nothing, but looking down, then who slowly glanced back up, as I came out strolling out from where I had been!  Because for me, this had felt he somehow knew I was around there!  Waiting for me to come out from where I had been!  

 But no sooner than he saw me, then he slowly approach, to ask me, “are you doing anything important Sandy?  Which, to be perfectly frank, had got a little confused into where this was heading!  Until, he asked another question!  A question which was asking me, “could you possibly come in to help us out, for a few hours?  Which, I thought, oh, Matt!  I would do just absolutely anything for you Matt!  Because, there was something about Matt that truly made myself feel like I was going into a little world of my own!  Or!  Or going onto cloud nine, with a dreamy smile upon my face! 

 Even though, how I told him, “I’m doing something Matt," "so I’m sorry I can’t help you!  Matt had always, somehow, sent me in a trance!  Oh, yes!  Matt had always seemed to put yours truly, in a trance!  Like he was trying to hypnotise me, just by glancing deeper and deeper into those beautiful, lovely deepest, dark, mesmerising brown eyes of his!  And whenever he had also, used to smile at me of course!  So, as always, I just could never refuse him, while walking along side him, toward work!  With a little smile upon my face, thinking at the time, that this was so nice of walking along side by side, with you, Matt!  Because, of thinking, it was going to be a fine day, when I got in!  But was I so wrong in thinking that!  

 Course, after asking Matt, “where does these jeans go?  Because of it being a new item, that must have come, while I wasn't there!  Not only gave this girl such a strange look!  But which he had shouted from the back of the shop, while being close to that "Bitch" aka big Liz!  Who once again, and more than less, had a very thin-pointy nose, shooting out like Pinocchio!  Because she was more like one of those toffee-nose sobs!  That thought, they  probably knew everything, then anyone else!  Had shouted, while he was with her,  “my god!  “What do you mean, you don’t know where those jeans go?"  

 But while he made yours truly, look ever so stupid, added, by crying out loud, “how long have you been working here Sandy?"  "Hey!  "Just how long?  Then, what’s more!  What Matt had surprisingly said next, could say, had truly hurt my feelings so deeply!  Because of what he said was!  “Do you know, what each day, I can’t wait for it to be over!  "Because of how you always frustrate me so!  Then, after asking him, “well do you want me to leave then?  Turned suddenly, to that repulsive, hideous big Liz again!  Then, who turned back to myself and said, right in my face, “oh!  “Why, don’t you go away!  "As, I can't stand of seeing you Sandy!  Which, what had shocked me even more so, was hearing Matt had yelled out that, “because I can’t stand the sight of you!  

Which, coming from him personally, had once again, truly hurt my feelings!  And I certainly do mean, he had hurt my feelings so deeply then, anyone could imagine!  But, what was so worse!  Was, it came from Matt himself!  Who I had simply thought, before of going into work, oh! Matt, I'll do absolutely anything for you!  Just anything!  Then, helping anyone else, that worked there!  But part of me had thought, why did you have to turn into Mr Hyde right now!  Course, just shortly after he had said those awful things to me, he simply carrying on by saying, "why, don't you get out of my face,"  "as I can't stand the sight of you! 

Which, at first, didn't really understand!  Understand. because of why he would say such things like that, to me!  Since it was himself, that had asked me to come in, in the first place!  So, the way, I was now starting to feel!  But, who just didn’t want to show it, in front of him especially, was my feelings!  And why!  Well it was truly what he said, had made me feel like I was really going to start crying, right there and then, in front of him!  Not to mention, that "snobby," "Concorde," "rhinoceros" which boy!  Had truly looked-like she had an hooter, just like Pinocchio!  Because, of that snobby look that she had about her! That "Barstard!  As, for getting back to him! Well just maybe, he wanted to show off in front of her!  But once again, because I had tried to stop myself from crying, in from of him more, did not help one bit!  Because, shortly after, Matt had said all that, he left me in total speechless!  Course, oh boy!  As I didn’t truly expect anything like that, to come from him, especially as I came in, on that day for just Matt and not for helping out, either!  

 Because of just remembering noticing Matt was leaning on that wall, opposite to the ladies toilets, on my day off!  And then asking me nicely, with that gorgeous look, "if you would kindly help us, at work?   Which, coming from him!  Had actually, thought, because of that,  well who knows, this day may be a nice day after all!  But lets just say, if I knew what was going to happen shortly after we got in, I probably wouldn't go!  Because it was the way, Matt had really spoken to me!  Course, truly, I only gone into work, on my day off because of him, Matt!  And not because of work had probably needed some help!  It was all him!  Matt!  

 Only, what I truly didn’t expect to happen was, while I was walking away from both of them, tears was starting to flood down upon my face!  And only tears, may I add, as, I did not to be crying properly!  As, it just seemed to be tears running down from my face, while I went so nearer to the front of the shop!  Yet, no sooner that I walked away, from idiots, and  who tried to get back with my work!  Work, that was sorting the clothes out, into size ordering, that I at the same time, tried not to allow any one of our customers notice me!  Because of how deeply Matt had hurt my feelings, by hiding my tears!  By frankly, how and what he said to me, while standing so close to a clothes-stand!  Had noticed some customer had also spotted me while trying to hide myself through a clothes stand!  Looking as if they were trying to say, what's wrong with you?   

 But, what was even more worst!  Was shortly after I had returned from them both, from the back had noticed this one customer, as they were on the way out, had spotted me!  Trying to handle my emotions, that really Matt had done to me, whistle he was with that vulgar, snobby, toffee-nose cow!  Which, of course was aka big Liz!  "The bitch!  Had also, noticed her looking at me, through the corner of my eye!  As, she seemed to be hanging around the till, doing something!  Or was she?  

 Course, what was going through my mind then!  Was, could she be possibly have been there, to get back at Matt!  For telling him, what was going on with me!  Course, no sooner then I noticed her, that she rushed straight back to Matt!  Which, I did thought, was slightly funny!  But at the same time, had thought, I was safe for that brief moment!  That was until, Matt had suddenly reappeared in front of my face!  With those gorgeous, beautiful, melting plus, captivating sexy brown eyes saying, "now, what’s wrong with you Sandy?  Which, I had thought, as if you didn’t know what was wrong with me Matt!  But instead, of telling him the truth!  I just told him, “I’ve got a headache," "a terrible headache!  

 Which, I was so sure, that while I was telling him this, that he possibly knew in some way, he didn't believe!  Because I wasn’t telling him the truth!  So, as I was waiting for some sarcastic comment from him, all that Matt had said was, “go in the back then!  Which, after coming straight back out, had sure noticed Matt was looking directly at me!   With that amazingly, deep look in those lovely, beautiful big brown eyes of his!   Which, did puzzled me, as I wasn't so sure what to make of that look really!  Even though, Matt could have even tried to tell me, "oh, grow-up!  I really had enjoyed that look he was giving me!  So, you could even say, I dreamt, but what if Matt had given me that look to say, "hey!  Sandy if only you knew I liked you!    


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