Wednesday 5 January 2000

Playing Games - Chapter 40


  Chapter 40


                                                                 THE TIME

                                  WHEN WHO SHOULD SURPRISE SANDY? 

                                        AROUND THIS ONE CHRISTMAS      


                      WALTZING IN BEHIND HER AND SAY, "HELLO, SANDY."  

                            UNEXPECTED-LIKE, WHEN WORK TRIED TO GET   

                                                                HER OUT!

                                                      THOSE BARSTARDS!


And as for this one Christmas!  A Christmas that when those from work was really giving me such an hard time!  Because as they knew full well by now, that they could not get their own way with me, like they once had!  Course, of always standing up to them and not allowing them to walk all over me like trying to get me out from there!  Which they had tried!  But who unfortunately, for them, didn't succeed to do so!  Only, who on this day had somehow, got Matt involved!  By probably asking him to come over, which could say had took me by complete surprise, while I was busy working!  

 Why!  Well, while I was quietly, but sorting some clothes out near the far back, away from everyone expect for Bobby that is, course, she working around me at the time!  Matt had unexpectedly surprised me!  And I do mean, he surprised me!  By first of all slowly brushing straight past me and then said, with his oh so- dam-it sexy voice, “hello, Sandy!  Which, when he had!  I had immediately ran off to the front, leaving him to have a quiet word with his best mate, Bobby, as usual!  Only, don’t ask me of why, I ran from him, as I did!  Straight to the front, near to where the till was!  As I didn’t really know!  Even though, this may sound silly from running away as I had, when I heard him!  My darling, Matt!  I just couldn’t help myself!  

 Especially, as he just unexpectedly went past me, as he did!  By saying my name!  Which could say had truly knocked me out for six!!!  Course, of knowing full well of whom it was!  Which may I add, was slightly harder for me to carry on with my work!  So, after running away from him to the front, what I couldn't help in doing was glancing up just slightly to where Matt was!  

 And even though, like always, I saw the guy was facing from the back of me, I just still couldn’t help myself from looking at him!  Thinking, Aww!  Though, while all this was going on, what I couldn’t help noticing also, was both the Area Manager and Barbie Doll aka Cilla, was looking straight at me with a smile!  But who then looked at one another and whispered, something so quietly to themselves!  But who had once again turned to look at me!

 Only, while I had rushed straight to the front, near to where the till was, I had, one of my old time favourite Christmas songs come on!  Which was one that I couldn’t help myself from singing along to the tune! Because as it wasn't that I knew to the words to it!  But when it came on as it had, I first said quietly, “oh!  “Not now Shaky!  Course, it was Shakin' Stevens Christmas song, Merry Christmas Everyone!  So, what was going through his mind at the time, when this tune had suddenly come on as it did!  Just couldn’t help myself from singing along to it!  

 Though, while doing so!  I had noticed from the corner of the back, my darling, Brown Eyes aka Matt was now, slowly walking away from Bobby!  But who, while walking slowly towards the front, had slightly tilted his head and glanced over to my direction!  With that certain look in his eyes and what looked-like amazingly lovely smile of his face!  That could have easily knocked me down right there and then, because it was really like a shy smile, then rather giving someone a normal smile!  

 So, just before he had left and said his, goodbyes, to all of them, well, he still kept on glancing over to me with that unforgettable look, that could have started to make me dream of him, if only you could have liked me Matt?  If only?  Course, of how I somehow felt of the way, Matt was acting towards me, while still working with us!  Which was mostly horrible then trying to be a nice person!  Anyway, when Matt had left us, he had left me feeling as always, oh Matt!  I love you!  While still both the Area Manager and Cilla couldn't stop themselves for looking at me!   Even no soon after my darling, Matt had left our store!  Course all I did instantly, was walk slowly towards our entrance of our shop and tried to peep around the corner to see if yours-truly, Sandy could see him!


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